Tuesday, February 14, 2012


List 10 arguments in Standard Form from Juvies and The Interrupters. You can list more if you like (WLTC 56-57).

Premise 1
Premise 2


List premises and the conclusion drawn from the premises. Are any of these premises assumptions or inferences?


Today we are watching the film: Juvies. It is 66 minutes long. Watch "The Interrupters" tonight on Frontline World at 10 p.m. (channel 9). It will be available for viewing on the website later on (I believe).

On Thursday we will look at developing an argument taking its topic from Yummy and looking at the criminalization of youth. We will also continue in WLTC, I will return papers this Thursday (smile).

I am still waiting on my grade book. I know, no excuses.

A suggestion is to start reading The New Jim Crow next. What do you think? Bring it in Thursday.


  1. Edwin Peabody
    Professor Sabir
    English 5
    15 February 2012


    -Young kids going to adult prison doesn’t help them at all because they are In there with grown men that teach them the wrong things, like how to make a knife out of news paper.

    -Kids are getting unfairly sentenced because the crime that they have committed doesn’t seem fair to the amount of time they are sentenced.

    -Adult prison is not helping these young kids because it is being looked at now as a punishment rather than a rehabilitation process.

    -The DA is locking up society’s youth and throwing away the keys because they feel that society is better off with out them.

    -It is not right to have kids in a prison with grown men because grown men take advantage of young kids.

    -We are throwing always society youth by sending them to an adult prison because it is a slow execution. When these kids are released from prison, they don’t know any skills or tools to survive in the real world because they have been in prison so long. They have gotten comfortable with not depending on them selves.

    -Kids have a better chance to rehabilitate than adults because statistics show it.

    -A kid being trialed as an adult is not justice because they are only kids.

    -Kids are getting longer sentences than adults and kids are naturally at disadvantages because they don’t understand the criminal justice system.

  2. Melvin Herring
    Professor Sabir
    English 5
    15 February 2012

    Kids get sentenced as adults to prevent them from doing it again although studies have shown that’s a false statement.

    Kids who get out of jail will just return because crime is all they know, because educational programs has been taken away from them.

    Prison doesn’t help young kids it only hurts them because they’re more likely to be sexually assaulted in jail.

    Kids are being locking up because the City’s and parents don’t want to deal with them.

    The kids don’t really know what they’re doing because that part of their brain doesn’t fully develop till around 22.

    Kids are being treated harder to prove a point to all youth.

    These kids get into trouble because of neglect or abuse

    It’s twice as harder for the youth inside adult jail.

    These kids are becoming harden criminals because their learning the skills they need in jail.

    These kids life is ruined because the government wants to prove a point to our youth

  3. Ronald Parker
    Professor Sabir
    English 5 11-12:15
    February 16, 2012

    1. Youth offenders are being sent to adult prison are more likely to commit suicide or be assaulted than older prisoners.
    2. Some individuals are going to jail for the same crimes are receiving vastly different sentences, that shows there is some injustice in the system.
    3. People of the law feel if you know someone in a gang and not belonging to it, any crime you commit is gang related.
    4. Once put in prison people are more likely to get involved with drugs or sexual activity with the same sex. The total opposite of what they were doing outside of prison.
    5. Kids have a better chance to rehabilitate than adults because statistics show it.
    6. A kid being trialed as an adult is not justice because they are only kids.

  4. Ricardo Arvizu


    English 5

    Professor Sabir

    10 Arguments


    Young people learn more about crime in prison then outside of prison.

    * They learn to create weapons out of newspaper.
    * Youth are targeted in major prisons and are forced to defend themselves.
    * Youth are pressured to join a gang in prison.

    Gang violence is a myth created by the media

    * Films showcasing the gangster lifestyle created this myth.
    * Youth violence is usually between interpersonal conflicts between two people.

    No mercy for the young in the court system

    * Life sentences are being handed out to minors
    * Politically driven judges
    * Incarceration rates for youth tripled

    United States is tired of crime so they place youth in prisons

    * Youth who are not in a gang but know a gang member are considered gang affiliated.
    * Youth who do not kill someone but are at the scene of a crime are given life sentences.
    * Youth are being tried as adults because of “ adult crime adult time.”

    Sending a kid to prison is a slow death sentence

    * A child’s brain is not fully developed until the age of eighteen sending them to prison will make them adapt to that environment.
    * Even if a teen gets sent to prison for a long period of time when they get out they do not have the skills to survive on the outside world.

    The interrupters

    Police is not liked in neighborhoods

    * They enforce laws but harass people in the process.
    * Police do not stop shootings within three hours there have been seven shootings.

    Youth are not being accepted in society so they try to control their environment with violence

    * Youth always want to find a reason to fight.
    * Youth try to defend themselves and their loved ones with violence

    Violence interrupters connect with the youth

    * China Joe is well known and the youth are more likely to listen to him.
    * People that have been through the system are more likely to connect with the youth who are heading towards that path.

    Personal pride creates violence

    o Flamo wanted to shoot another person to protect his personal pride.
    o Non violent confrontations are looked down upon by youth because they are seen as “punks”

    Pressures from the real world create violence

    * Poor schools and lack of jobs creates a hostile environment
    * A job can keep people busy and gives them something to look forward to
    * Things like Art can keep the community busy

  5. Jesse Pinkney
    Professor Wanda Sabir
    English 5
    17 February 2012

    Intruders –
    1. Because youth today are reckless and careless they often have a lack of self-respect and respect for others..
    2. Due to no family structure or guidance many teens result to a life of crime and drugs.
    3. Because many young men have no father figure or role models migrate toward gangs for a family experience.
    4. Lifers and adults with a history of crime and serving time in jail can help resolve community issues by talking to the youth participating in violent acts.
    5. Because life on the streets is so harsh many youth will only listen to those with street credibility and withdraw themselves from others that don’t or haven’t lived that lifestyle.

    1. Because of tradition many 1st generation American youth have difficulties following their culture and can have a harmful affect on their life and how they perceive their family.
    2. Because of it's psychological impact child abuse has short term and long term effects on the victims involved.
    3. Because of the mental conditioning involved in gang life a good student can easily turn into a killer.
    4. Due to the financial gains of private investors the prison system is set up to profit off the mistakes of the innocent and the poor.
    5. Because crime is so popular and vast many teens are getting locked up for petty mistakes.

  6. Ana Cristina Muro
    Professor Sabir
    English 5
    15 February 2012
    10 Arguments
    1. People are fed up with crimes therefore they put them in jail for a long time.
    2. Many people are afraid of the youth in their neighborhood therefore they make sure kids do their sentence as adults.
    3. Kids commit adult crimes therefore they should pay their time like adults.
    4. Kids do not have their brains fully developed therefore Juvenal halls were created for them.
    5. Adult prison for youth is like death sentence because they do not get to rehabilitate in prison.
    The Interrupters
    1. Gang members can come to their senses therefore recruiters should find people’s soft spot.
    2. Violence is a learned behavior therefore there should be more programs that teach that violence is bad and that it gets you nowhere.
    3. Many kids do not have a childhood therefore recruiters should provide them with love and care by guiding them through the right path but also providing them with some type of childhood.
    4. Many fights are not stopped therefore cops are scared of the community.
    5. Some people fall back on the wrong path because they do not want help.

  7. Tiffanya Richardson
    Professor Sabir
    English 5
    February 17, 2012
    1) Society is afraid of violent youth.
    Society is tired of dealing with violent youth.
    • Therefore violent youth should be tried as adults.
    2) Sometimes there can be up to 13 men in a 6 man cell in state prison.
    There are no windows in state prison.
    Inmates only get one hour of sunlight in state prison.
    • Therefore State prisons are institutionalizing inmates.
    3) States are increasing enhancement laws.
    States are increasing gang enhancement laws
    • Therefore youth inmates get longer sentences then some adults who commit the same or similar crimes.
    4) Prosecutors offer young inmates deals.
    Young inmates transfer to the adult system systems and are forces to make decisions alone.
    • Therefore juvenile offenders are uniformed a lot of times during prosecution.
    5) Nearly 70% of people released from prison will return within five years.
    • Therefore prisoners are not being rehabilitated during their prison sentences.
    Frontline: The Interrupters
    1) Underprivileged youth have no help processing pain and emotions.
    • Therefore underprivileged youth sometimes act out in violent and negative ways.
    2) When prisoners are released they have no way to accumulate income to support themselves.
    • Therefore prisoners are more assessable to return to their violent ways.
    3) Youth are imagining themselves murdered and at their own funerals.
    Youth is being taught and surrounded by violence.
    • Therefore youth is internalizing self hatred.
    4) Youth believe that violence is their disease.
    • Therefore there is an epidemic of violence in the community, and the youth believe they will die from some form of violence.
    5) The police are afraid to intervene in violence.
    • Therefore the community must stop violent issues before they evolve.

  8. Aaron Villanueva
    Professor Sabir
    English 5
    Feb. 15, 2012

    10 Arguments Standard Form

    1) Negative children are raised in negative backgrounds.
    Negative children do crime.
    Therefore children are in juveniles.
    2) Gangs influence the younger generation of youths.
    Youths do crime for the gang.
    Therefore young gang members are in juveniles.
    3) Being affiliated with a gang to society means you are a gang member.
    People who are innocent are sentences in prison.
    Therefore being involved with gangs could lead you to a wrong future.
    4) Prisoners in prison do not have the proper training to be ready once they are set free.
    Prisoners outside of the real world will have a hard time.
    Therefore they will do crime again to survive.
    5) The youth do not have any way of expressing themselves.
    They can only express anger.
    Therefore they can become violent.
    6) The youth are surrounded by violence.
    This means they will become violent.
    Therefore they have a violent future.
    7) The youth are growing up in a violent environment.
    Some have witness murder.
    Therefore they believe they will die violently.
    8) Police are afraid to prevent violence from happening in the community.
    They believe they too will have a violent death.
    Therefore the people in the neighborhood have to stop the violence.
    9) After prison some people decide to do positive in life.
    It is difficult to become positive with a negative past.
    Therefore the past will come back to haunt them.
    10) Many of the youths do not have a correct role model to look up to.
    They decide to look up to someone who is negative to society.
    Therefore they will become influence to be negative as well.

  9. Monsoon Pandey
    Professor Sabir
    English 5
    18 February, 2012
    Standard Form

    1. Sending young kids to adult prison does not benefit the kid or the society because they are more likely to become worse with the influences of older inmates. Therefore, kids should be left in Juvenile detention.
    2. Sentencing kids to jail for a long period of time depresses them and leaves them without any hope or a chance to look forward to anything except their redundant lifestyle as an inmate. Therefore, kids should not be sentenced to jail for long period of time.
    3. Kids are getting sentenced unfairly because the time they need to serve does not always fit their crime. Therefore, judges need to be more flexible with the sentencing.
    4. Having kids and adults living together is disadvantageous for kids since the older inmates are more likely to take advantage of the kids. Therefore, adult jail is actually worse for kids.
    5. Statistic shows that 50% of kids who are in jail won't commit crime ever again. Therefore, those kids are in jail even when they are no harm to the society.
    6. A minor who thinks and acts his age should not be trailed as an adult. Therefore, minors getting treated like an adult is unfair.
    7. Sending few kids to jail for a long period of time does not stop other kids from committing crimes. Therefore, our punishment system is not really working.
    8. Kids deserve second chance more than anyone else because they are capable of growing and changing themselves. Therefore, many kids deserve a second chance.
    9. A mistake made in an early age should not determine someone's rest of their life. Therefore, all the teenage kids in jail deserve a second chance.
    10. While in prison many people who get out early prepare themselves to become a better fit for the society once they are out. Therefor, it is essential that they have some hope and incentive.

  10. Saba Ghanem
    Professor Sabir
    English 5
    Feb. 15, 2012

    10 Arguments (Juvies and Interrupters)


    1) These kids commit adult crimes, and are involved in gangs, so they belong in adult prisons.

    2) Kids that are spoiled, abused, and/or neglected, are more likely to end up involved in street crime.

    3) There is more coverage of crime by the media, so people think crime is on the rise.

    4) The fiscal crisis caused the cut of rehabilitation programs, and education services in jails, which led these kids to get involved in drugs and gangs while in jail.

    5) Once in jail, these kids can be abused and put down; which brings down their self-esteem and makes them depressed, as Duc was.


    1) When certain people go to jail on a first offense, they realize the value of freedom, and with hope of getting it back, they may come out and be a better person. Therefore, certain offenders should get a second chance.

    2) Some criminals once let out back into society, realize they don’t have food, or a place to sleep, while in jail they get free food, no rent, and no financial obligations; which brings them back to jail.

    3) Kids that are surrounded by violence and hear only about violence and gang rivalry are influenced to grow up like the adults around them.

    4) Work, school, extracurricular activities and family involvement keep kids out of the streets.

    5) Lack of job opportunities and poverty lead to gang proliferation and control of communities.

  11. Kelsey Johnson
    Professor Sabir
    English 5
    February 20,2012


    1. Premise 1: Society believes that more teens are committing crimes.
    Premise 2: Teen crime is reducing.
    Premise 3: Society’s opinion ultimately decides whether a teenager is sentenced as an adult or not.
    Conclusion: Despite the reduction in teenage crime rate, society’s opinion will cause them to be tried as adults.

    2. Premise 1: The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain responsible for decision making, judgment, and long term planning.
    Premise 2: The prefrontal cortex is not completely developed until the age of 25.
    Conclusion: Teenagers should not be tried as adults because they do not have the same brain structure as an adult.

    3. Premise 1: Individuals who enter jail as teenagers with harsh sentences are 4 times more likely to commit suicide.
    Premise 2: Anything that increases the suicide rate for teenagers should be avoided.
    Conclusion: The justice system should give more lenient sentences to teenagers in order to avoid in suicide rates among them.

    4. Premise 1: Individuals that go to jail as teenagers and get out before adulthood do not typically go on to commit more crimes.
    Premise 2: Individuals who are incarcerated in juvenile hall and then are transferred to adult prisons tend to be more violent and commit more crimes than those who only go to juvenile hall.
    Premise 3: The justice system’s goal should be to minimize the crime rate.
    Conclusion: In order to minimize the crime rate the justice system should be doing everything within its power in order to keep juvenile offenders out of the adult jail system.

    5. Premise 1: Teenagers in adult jails are forced to defend themselves, pressured into joining gangs, and learn violence.
    Premise 2: The justice system should be doing everything in its power to protect teenagers, keep them out of gangs, and steer them away from violence.
    Conclusion: The justice system should sentence teenagers in such a way as to keep them out of adult jails.

  12. Kelsey Johnson
    Professor Sabir
    English 5
    February 20, 2012

    The Interrupters

    6. Premise 1: The police and case workers alone were not successful in decreasing the violence in Chicago.
    Premise 2: Dismantling gangs was not working to save lives.
    Conclusion: The Violence Interrupters were created to help the police lessen violence in Chicago by not dismantle gangs, but attempting to minimize murders instead.

    7. Premise 1: One young man stated that he had a gun and that he was going to use it to kill others.
    Premise 2: The young men started fighting and the man who threatened that he had a gun got his teeth knocked out.
    Premise 3: Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
    Conclusion: The childhood saying, “sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” is untrue.

    8. Premise 1: Ameena Mathews’ father was Jeff Ford, one of the biggest gang members in the history of Chicago.
    Premise 2: She is now a Violence Interrupter, an organization that tries to minimize the number of murders occurring in high risk areas.
    Premise 3: Growing up she experienced a lot of the same types of violence as the individuals that she helps.
    Premise 4: She sold drugs and hustled.
    Conclusion: It is possible to grow up experiencing gang violence and being in close contact with gang members while still managing to rise above it.

    9. Premise 1: Two brothers would threaten to kill one another and shoot at each other because they were in separate cliques.
    Premise 2: The brother’s mother was concerned that someone was going to kick in her door because her sons were affiliated with gangs.
    Premise 3: The brother’s mother ended up moving to a location that her sons don’t even know about due to fear.
    Conclusion: Gang affiliation can tear a family apart.

    10. Premise 1: Disease doesn’t care what decisions an individual has made or if an individual has been a good person or not when it infects them.
    Premise 2: While violence can sometimes not be avoided due to finances and certain circumstances, direct involvement in gangs and certain types of violence can be avoided through personal choices.
    Conclusion: Violence is not the silent disease of Chicago.

  13. Jerald M. Appling
    Professor Wanda Sabir
    English 5 Critical Thinking
    Arguments in Standard Form

    “Juvies” Directed by Leslie Neale

    1. The public opinion as been formed by the media.
    2. The media leads the public to believe that juvenile crime is escalating.
    ∴The public opinion is that juveniles should be tried as adults with equally harsh sentences.

    1. Abuse is common amongst the teens featured in the documentary.
    ∴ Teens from abusive homes have a higher propensity to end up in juvenile hall.

    1. Over 50% of the teens in juvenile hall will be beaten, raped or attacked.
    2. Teens transferring from juvenile hall to an adult facility will be housed with convicted pedophiles.
    ∴It is not safe or ideal for teens to be imprisoned with adults even if they are tried as adults.

    1. Research shows biological evidence that kids can’t prevent impulsive behavior due to low maturity level.
    2. Teens, still in the developmental stage of reasoning make impulsive decisions.
    3. Half of kids under the age of 18 will never commit crimes again.
    ∴Teens should not be tried as adults because they don’t think/reason like adults.

    1. The juvenile system has an education element not found in adult prisons
    2. Adult prisons are less about rehab and more about punishment
    ∴Therefore, juvenile offenders entering into the adult prison system have very little chance at rehabilitation.

    “The Interrupters” Directed by Steve James and Alex Kotlowitz

    1. An epidemiologist helped found Ceasefire.
    2. Neighborhood violence has some of the same traits as an epidemic/disease.
    ∴ Prevention is the best cure.

    1. The death of a youth yields a public response/outcry.
    2. The video of honor students beating death yielded bigger public response than any other before it.
    ∴ The public responds to the information brought into their homes.

    1. Gang affiliation leads to violence in the community.
    2. Neighborhood violence being gang-related is a myth created by the media.
    3. Most violence stems from personal disrespect more than anything else.
    ∴Looking beyond gangs and stopping violence amongst individuals helps to reduce violent pathways in order to heal the neighborhoods.

    1. “Right/Wrong” of each conflict is based on POV.
    2. Understanding the root cause of the disagreement helps to diffuse the potential violence.
    ∴Explaining the lethal outcome of a petty disagreement can prevent violence.

    1. Felons are told/taught that they can’t do anything (mental abuse) once they are back in society.
    2. Felons having trouble finding work leads to more crime and repeat offenders.
    ∴Rehabilitation, education and teaching skills to the incarcerated could reduce the cycle of violence.

  14. Adalie Villalobos
    Professor Sabir
    English 5

    10 Arguments
    1. People are fed up with crimes therefore they put them in jail for a long time.
    2. Many people are afraid of the youth in their neighborhood therefore they make sure kids do their sentence as adults.
    3. Kids commit adult crimes therefore they should pay their time like adults.
    4. Kids do not have their brains fully developed therefore Juvenal halls were created for them.
    5. Adult prison for youth is like death sentence because they do not get to rehabilitate in prison.
    The Interrupters
    1. Gang members can come to their senses therefore recruiters should find people’s soft spot.
    2. Violence is a learned behavior therefore there should be more programs that teach that violence is bad and that it gets you nowhere.
    3. Many kids do not have a childhood therefore recruiters should provide them with love and care by guiding them through the right path but also providing them with some type of childhood.
    4. Many fights are not stopped therefore cops are scared of the community.
    5. Some people fall back on the wrong path because they do not want help.


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