Monday, February 1, 2021

Syllabus for Critical Thinking@ LIAT Winter-Spring 2021

Dates: Monday, Feb. 1-May 3, 2021, 8:15-9:45 p.m.
Location: Online in Zoom
Teacher: Professor Wanda Sabir

Course Description:

Critical thinking looks at the relationship between language and logic, introduces rhetoric or persuasive writing and tools students can use to evaluate information based on facts, perceptions, assumptions, evidence, reasons, inferences, judgments, induction, deduction and conclusions. Vocabulary is introduced so that students have the proper tools to discuss faulty thinking or flaws in the reasoning process and name the more common fallacies.

This level composition assumes competency in prose writing and reading ability so that more attention can be devoted to ideas rather than to grammar and mechanics. Students who will most likely succeed in this course if said student is familiar with essay writing and academic research. These topics covered in first year college level English often referred to as Freshman Comp.

We will look at the role of language and semantics in critical thinking, social communications and propaganda. Students will also look at the fundamentals of problem solving, including considering and evaluating alternative solutions and perspectives. We will write a series of four (4) arguments – 2-4 page essays which are on one topic or theme, yet utilizes a variety of argumentative styles. The final essay will on a current issue of the student’s choice in an argumentative form of the student’s choosing.

Each of the core assignments will use one argument sytle: Rogerian, Definition, Aristotelian and Toulmin.  For the fifth essay, students have an opportunity to write about a topic that interests them in whatever argument style they chose. Students will also complete a number of exercises from our text: Writing Logically, Thinking Critically (Eighth Edition) by Sheila Cooper and Rosemary Patton. We will also use The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking: Concepts and Tools (Eighth Edition) by Rowman & Littlefield (links to an enternal site) which looks at the genre philosophically as a practice, for class warm-ups, discussion and some homework.

Course Rationale:

Everyone thinks, yet how many of us takes the time to access why she or he hold such information as true? What does it mean to withhold judgement? Can a person hold multiple truths at the same time? How can a person love her or his enemy? When we think about ideas and how our world view affects our thinking we can then act with moral deliberation. I do not think any of us is unbiased. It is hard to take oneself out of any discourse; however, we can cultivate empathy. Thinking can determine our actions. If we act without thinking, harm is possible. Some harm is irreversible. Critical thinking gives persons a set of tools applicable to all circumstances and with these tools we can be better human beings and better citizens and better neighbors.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Apply tools of understand inferences to community, workplace and family situations.

Evaluate materials/data in terms of accuracy as well as relevance to home and workplace situations.

Identify logical fallacies in communication.

Conduct research identifying relevant and accurate materials from a variety of sources, including databases, professional publications, and other applicable materials.

Identify personal bias and other filters in order to evaluate community, family and professional materials objectively. 

Required Texts and materials:

Cooper, Sheila and Rosemary Patton. Writing Logically, Thinking Critically. Eighth Edition. New York: Longman, 2015.

Elder, Linda and Richard Paul. The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking: Concepts and Tools. Eighth Edition. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020. 

Grading Policy and evaluation procedures

Credit hours: 3 units

Grading scale: Standard Letter Grades (A, B, C, D, F). Pass/Fail (Speak to Dean). Incomplete (this teacher does not generally give Incomplete grade, so plan to attend and do the work.

Requirements and Assignment

Written Arguments (30%), textbook assignments and other readings, etc. (25%); the research process: reflections, participation with peers, preparation, presentations, thoughtful reflection – (25%), the course portfolio (15%); final exam (15%).

Classroom policies

Attendance policy

Attend all the Zoom sessions. There are no make-up assignments for missed in-class assignments.


Plan to attend all the class sessions, if an unavoidable class is to be missed, let the teacher know in advance and we might be able to record the class to watch at an office hour before the next meeting. We could also ask one of your classmates to take notes and share with you outside of class before the next meeting.

Any work completed in class, cannot be made up.


 Be on time. The class will be open about 15 minutes before starting just in case a student wants to pop in early with a question.

 Late Work and make up assignments

You have about a week to get all assignments in, this includes peer responses. Everyone will have to respond to 2-3 classmates on all assignments. We will use an unpublished blog to post assignments.

If a student needs more time on an assignment, do not wait until it is due. Each assignment builds on previous work.  The brick you skip is the one keeping the structure from falling. All assignments are to be typed, 12-pt. font, double-spaced lines, indentations on paragraphs, 1-inch margins around the written work typical MLA format for an academic essay.  Perfect MLA.

MLA Sample Paper (Links to an external site).
Again look at the headings in the margin and bookmark those you might need often such as Cite your source automatically in MLA., For a refresher, see MLA Overview and Workshop (Links to an external site.)

Late assignments (1-2) are accepted if notified in advance; however, with penalty. Late assignments are not allowed revision unless (to pass the assignment or exercise). The grade is a C.  If this is habitual, that is, more than twice or consecutively, we will have to talk. If you’d like an A in the course, turn your assignments in on time.

Academic Honesty

The goal of this syllabus is to be student centered; however, the institution requires that I give a statement regarding academic honesty, which means that students submit original work and do not borrow or take another person's intellectual property without giving attribution or credit.

Why not? Your work is your intellectual property whether or not it is copyrighted is beside the point. Sometimes researchers, especially novices, forget where their information was found. You get 1 pass on this; however, if you intentionally take authorship of another thinker’s work, this is unacceptable (you will earn a failing grade) and such behavior can ruin your reputation perhaps forever.  Remember “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”? See CoolSchools (links to an external site) version of this classic.

Be careful in the research process; make sure you know where the information is obtained.  A name for such intentional dishonesty is plagiarism.  See Purdue OWL for a discussion on plagiarism (links to an external site) and how to avoid it.

Technology Policy

Cell phones as phones: 
All cell phones are expected to be silenced or on vibrate in class.  Any use of cell phone for texting should be discrete and unobtrusive to the learning experience of other classmates. If a student needs to excuse herself or himself from class, you can drop a private message in the chat to the teacher. However, if a student is noticed inattentive, the student will be marked absent, so when you are in class this means both mind and body, not just body.

Cell phones as recording devices: At no point should a phone be used to capture the class via audio or video without prior consent of students and teacher. The sensitive nature of class discussions requires trust, sensitivity and freedom of expression which can be compromised when a recording device is used. If a student wants to record a class, prior conversation with the professor is necessary.

Zoom Class Policy

Students taking this class for credit are required to use a computer camera  revealing your face during class sessions. The use of virtual backgrounds are acceptable. To be excused from this requirement, you must get clearance from the teacher.

It is important to be respectful of all students and their viewpoints, especially when the opinions expressed are at variance with your own, that is, you disagree. We are not monolithic and differing opinions and views are encouraged.

Course Calendar 
(subject to change or adjustment)
Week 1 Thinking and Writing—A Critical Connection. What is a Critical Thinker? (WLTC pp. 1-22)
Review essay writing, MLA, Academic Writing Style and Formatting (WLTC p. 191)

Week 2 – Critical Societies (The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking: Chapter 7-8)

Week 3 Critical Thought (WLTC) Chapter 2 pp. 22-49

Week 4 The Structure of Argument (WLTC) p. 50

Week 5  Written Argument (WLTC) p. 70

Week 6 The Language of Argument – Definition (WLTC) p. 94; MGCT Chapter 10 & 11

Week 7 Midterm essay. Aristotelian Argumentation; Fallacious Arguments (WLTC) p. 122

Week 8  Deductive and Inductive Reasoning (WLTC) p. 148

Week 9 Toulmin Argument

Week 10 Wrapping Up- Questions. MGCT Chapter 12 & 13

Week 11 Final Argument poster presentation

Week 12 Final Exam essay due in class for discussion; plus teaching demonstration.

How to study for this course

Do not skip the readings in either textbook. Read with a pencil in your hand. Writing Logically, Thinking Critically (WLTC) has a summary at the end of each chapter and a glossary of key terms. Read this first. As you then read the chapter from the beginning to the end, note concepts you are not aware of. There are exercises throughout each chapter, complete the Writing Assignments (WA); on the exercises, complete at least half if you understand the concept.

How to be successful in this course

Ask questions in class if you do not understand the readings or lecture. You can use the icons and raise your hand and drop questions into the chat.

All essays will be due in class. We will also do as much planning for these essays in class as we can. Students will be assigned to groups beginning Week 1-2. Students will be asked to form a discussion group in an online discussion platform or list-serve to stay in touch.

 Computer literacy

If there are technology challenges, plan to meet with me outside class to work through problems. All work is to be typed and submitted electronically. Video and photos of assignments are also acceptable when access is a challenge.  You can write in the textbook where possible. Let me know early in the class so that we can locate resources and or peer support.

More on Goals and Objectives
This intention of this course is to offer an invigorating discourse or dialogue for those students who love a challenge and approach the writing task eager, prepared and ready for what the course requires: English language fluency in writing and reading; a certain comfort and ease with the language; confidence and skillful application of literary skills associated with academic writing, plus familiarity, if not mastery, of the rhetorical styles used in argumentation, exposition and narration.

We will be evaluating what we know and how we came to know what we know, a field called epistemology or the study of knowledge. Granted, the perspective is western culture which eliminates the values of the majority populations, so-called underdeveloped or undeveloped countries or cultures. Let us not fall into typical superiority traps. Try to maintain a mental elasticity and a willingness to let go of concepts which not only limit your growth as an intelligent being, but put you at a distinct disadvantage as a species.

This is a highly charged and potentially revolutionary process - critical thinking. The process of evaluating all that you swallowed without chewing up to now is possibly even dangerous. This is one of the problems with bigotry; it is easier to go with tradition than toss it, and create a new, more just, alternative protocol.

Disclaimer: I noticed in rereading the text the language in certain examples is not always socially relevant or politically conscious (WLTC p. 6) considering the authors are at San Francisco State University; however, that’s my assumption. Overall, the authors do a pretty good job in presenting the topic concisely and with humor.



The hope is that when you leave the course, you will be a stronger writer than when you arrived, have a better grasp of what is meant by rhetoric or the art of persuasion.  We will be honest with one another. Grades are not necessarily a complete assessment of one’s work; grades do not take into consideration the effort or time spent, only whether or not students can demonstrate mastery of a skill – in this case: essay writing. Grades are an approximation, arbitrary at best, no matter how many safeguards one tries to put in place to avoid such ambiguity. Suffice it to say, your portfolio will illustrate your competence. It will represent your progress, your success or failure this semester in meeting your goal.

Jot down briefly what your goals are this semester. List them in order of importance.










First Assignment due Wed., Feb. 3-Sunday, Feb. 7

Email a note to me about yourself via Share: where you were born, who you are responsible for, what languages you speak/write, your strengths, what you bring to the class, what you'd like to leave with and what if anything I need to know to facilitate your success. 

Before completing the assignment read one of these two articles on the topic:





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