Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Library Orientation

Thursday,  Feb. 28, 2013 you will have a library orientation. Post a reflection here. Include concrete examples of what you learned about writing and research.

Don't forget, for next week, use the COA library database to find an article (preferably a scholarly one) about Tim Wise. It doesn't have to be on Dear White America, but it would be great if the article spoke to his body of work and included his latest.

Bring the summary and the article to class on your computer or as a paper copy to share. Bring your books Dear White America as well. We will read it next week.

We start The Happiness Project the week following. Over the following month-month and a half, we will write three arguments based on the theme of happiness. The first essay will be a Rogerian, the second Aristotelian and the last Toulmin.

Start thinking about a book by or about a happy person. The term happy, does not have to be in the title or associated with the person directly. Your final essay will be based on this character.


  1. Anthony Gamarra
    1 March 2013

    Although I arrived late to the orientation, I was able to catch the last of her presentation. I never really use the Library Database, but for the assignment where we needed to look up a scholarly article about Tim Wise, this knowledge certainly helped. I found her advice on useing the database extremely helpful. The handouts are actualy what reminded me of how to get to the database.

  2. Mariah Sewell
    1 March 2013

    The library orientation was very resourceful for finding articles to proper MLA formatting. It is a privilege to know that the articles under the article database are free, downloadable, email able, copy able and printable.I also liked that the library had group study rooms which can be very useful in the future. It is good to know everything I may need as far as reading and writing essays are all contently on one website.

  3. The library orientaition was quite helpful, but everything that was discussed in the orientation I already knew becasue I found all this out last semster in another class. Its great to know however, that the library database is open to all of us which I believe will come quite handy in doing research papers. I've used the library databse before and it was extremely useful in my resaerch paper. I actually look forward to jumping back into the database. ^_^

  4. Kaezi Datuin
    1 March 2013

    I found the library orientation to be very helpful. I came in a few minutes late so I didn't catch the presenter's name but she enlightened me on how to find proper sources on the internet for our happiness project assignment. I had already viewed the library orientation last semester with my English 1A class, but I completely forgot about the library database that would probably be useful for me with any research assignment I will do this semester as well as semesters to come. I will definitely be using the database to help me find a book for the happiness project.

  5. The library orientation was very informative. During this orientation, I learned that there are reserved textbooks that students can use to study. All a student needs is their student i.d. card. The library consists of 2 floors; the first floor is the actual library, and the second floor is filled with tutoring help and a computer lab.

    There are also reference books that students may use to do some research, but a student cannot check it out to go home with it. The only books that a student can check out are the circulating books or the best sellers. The library also has magazines that students can use as a reference.

    The library has many study tables, and they also have study rooms. The study rooms are for groups of students to go in and work on any group project. The group just has to sign up for a room at the reserve books area. These study rooms gives groups of students a place to study while also allowing the other students in the library to have a quite are.

  6. The orientation for the library was very helpful and informative. I learned about things I never knew or thought would be available at the library. Students just need their school I.D card to access all of the libraries resources. There are different types of books available and have certain locations. The main part of the library is on the first floor, while the second floor has tutors, labs, and more desks. One the first floor, like i said, is the main floor where books are. Shelves one through seventeen are books you can take home, reserved books are books to be used at library for 2 hours and you can get them from the textbook booth, and the reference section are books that can be used in the library as well. The first floor also has group study rooms and you can sign up for those. There are magazines, journals, newspapers, and articles available to use too.

    Information on how to use the school's website to search for databases was very helpful as well. I'll be sure to use what i learned to find articles for upcoming assignments. It's nice to not have to pay for these resources and is easy to do so.

  7. Michelle Nam
    3 March 2013

    The library orientation is helpful because the discussion of the library that the students needed to know. The Article Database is useful to get the information that the students need to use as evidence, quoting, and explanation, which can be a good use when it comes to writing research papers. I used the Article Database before and it was really helpful. Also, the library has study rooms, tutoring, and computer labs. At the reference desk, there will be assistance to help you to find the information that the students will need for their assignments and the reserved books allows the students to borrow textbooks for 2 hours in the library.

  8. From the library orientation I learn how to search in the datebases and narrow my search to find the article to give me the topic on point. Also the reference books cannot be check out but the do have helpful information on them. The librarian was very helpful because she also gave us a handout that shows how to cite and make proper use and the books or articles we do use ......Harold perry

  9. The library orientation went really well. I didnt learn anything new from what I haven't already learned in my previous English classes. However, it was a nice refreshment course. I appreciate how she took time to show examples for those who may have needed that, I thought that was insightful. Also, I like the fact that there is a computer lab upstairs, which I previously did not know of. That is going to definitely help me out.

  10. Fernando Barragan

    The library orientation went really well for me, overall it was very informative. In all honestly, that was my first time entering College of Alameda's library. The presentation given was very informative. Before entering the presentation, I was already very informed in using a school's database when looking for articles or books for research. I was happy that I was able to become more accustomed with Alameda's database. FInding out about the math labs, and may other computer labs was very helpful. I am happy that I was able to attend this orientation, with this I will definitely be using the library more often.

  11. Pablo R. Hernandez

    This past thursday the class in the library for orientation. The class offered insight on how to better use resources that the library offered to students. The library offers students a wide range of resources which include reference books, reference desk, computer lab, library web-site. We were taught that the library website can be accessed off campus for researching use. I really enjoyed the orientation because it each time I go to the orientation I feel like I learn something new. I learned something new this time around which was that I can search for books in other libraries through the library web site. What caught me by surprise was the advice given about researching outside of the library database. The advice given was to search through Google and try to confirm the legitimacy of a website through Wikipedia. Something that I took advantage of was the cheat sheet for MLA sources citing. I took the small packet and it has been a big help so far and made citing simpler. Overall I think that this orientation helped refresh my memory of all the resources that are available through the library.

  12. Michelle Chen
    Professor Sabir
    English 5

    This past Thursday we went to the Library for orientation. During the orientation she explained many different things. She taught us how to access the library database off campus and gave us the username and password to it. Also, she explained to us how to locate books, articles and many more which is very useful. I wouldn’t have to waste my time to go to the library to check if they have the book I need, I can check online before coming. My favorite thing I learned was citing sources using MLA format. I always have trouble when doing my papers, I tend to cite stuff wrong and I don’t want to be accused of plagiarism. Overall, I’m happy I attended this orientation. It made me realize all the sources out there that I can use. There’s people that’s always ready to help when you have a question and the computer lab upstairs really help me through a lot since I can print my work from there whenever I need to.

  13. Evelyn Gameros
    English 5
    Professor Sabir
    28 February 2013
    Library Orientation
    The library orientation was very helpful. I was able to know of the resources that are available to us through the library. I have only visited the library to use the computers in the computer lab. I had no idea that I am able to access thousands of different articles through the article databases. Librarian McKenna’s gave out a detailed presentation on how to look for help, and research when we need to.
    Aside from informing us, she also gave us tips on how to research and cite our books, magazines, and internet web pages. She encouraged us to have valid research from valid sources. What I took from this is that whenever I am not sure if a certain webpage is credible, I can always look at the contact us section or even research the page. Through the reviews, I can know if it is a good source or not. As for the citations, the page she gave us is very good to keep for reference, and I feel like I can come back to the library and receive help from librarian McKenna.


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