Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 9 and Cyber-post In-class writing assignment

Reminder: Tomorrow we meet in the Library (LRC) at the desks in front of the wall-size screen. We will spend the second half of the class reviewing the homework assignments: 4 C (92), 4D (93), 4 E (94-98), Writing Assignment 7 (98-100). Wherever possible, write in the book.

Read Chapter 5 and continue in From the Bottom of the Heap. Today we wrote a 3-part essay based on the dialectic process: thesis, antithesis and synthesis. The topic was: Slavery in US History: Pros and Cons.

Students need to complete From the Bottom of the Heap by Thursday. For those students who are waiting for the book to arrive, we will be finished with the book this Thursday. Next week we start The Known World again, so bring the book to class.

Tomorrow and/or Thursday, we'll look at evidence from From the Bottom of the Heap that supports a claim that slavery never ended for some US citizens. As you read, pull out evidence that support such a supposition. Remember, on Thursdays, we meet in L-202E.

Post your collaborative essay paragraphs here. Identify the position: thesis, antithesis or synthesis. Make sure all the writer's names are included in the post. Many students are behind on the reading. I know who is keeping up. You cannot write an essay without reading the book, so far, I think I have only read a few essays which demonstrate a grasp of the concepts presented by Wise and clearly identify and analyze his salient premises. Most students are bringing in other evidence because (this is just my hypothesis) they have not read the book, so can't discuss his argument's trajectory: explanations or conclusions.


  1. Antithesis-
    Although slavery allows free labor for advancement, it also dehumanizes African Americans and it puts a person's survival under the whims of another human being. In his book, The Known World, Edward P. Jones writes, "But God was generous with his blessings the following fall and each day was perfect for buying and selling slaves"(8). Under slavery, human beings are allowed to be torn away from their families and be sold off like livestock against their will. This process hinders their personal growth and destroys their well being. Also, contrary to the common belief that slavery creates good work ethic, it actually instills terrible work ethnic in slaves, slave owners, and white laborers. Because slaves were forced to do labor for free, white laborers had no way of competing in the job market for fair wages. For slaves, because they were not paid for their labor on top of the poor treatment they receive, they lacked the incentive to work above and beyond what they were required to do. Slave owners, never having to work hard manually for themselves, become lazy and dependent on others for progress.

  2. Synthesis :
    Slavery has pros and cons. first of all slavery may be good for homeless people, because government could provide fine shelters for homeless people under slavery system. slavery also gives benefits for our economy. The reason is that getting more slaves means powerful workforce, so slavery will be helpful to develope our country's labor power. On the other hand, slavery disregards human right. Human is the most important creature on the earth. Human right should be respected. Tim Wise also said, "White privilege was so ingrained in my school experience that hardly a single thing about my education was untainted by it. Whether it was the racialized placement of students into advanced or remedial tracks irrespective of actual ability or the way in which extracurricular opportunities like drama or debate were such 'white spaces' with very little opportunity in practical terms for nonwhites to participate."(19) Under slavery, white privilege in our society is getting powerful, and no more opportunity to learn about nonwhite as Tim said. In conclusion, although slavery has positive effets, the sancity of human life cannot be violated by the positive effects of slavery. According to HDI(Human Development Idex), human right is the one of the yardstick to evaluate the country. If a country is under slavery system, it means the country is worse than other countries. So, slavery should be abolished.


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